Local Theater by local Author...you won't want to miss this.

Call 831-717-7373 to make your reservations

May 12 through June 4th 
Friday and Saturday at 7:30PM  & Sunday Matinee's at 2:30PM

The Teaser

Successful journalist, Charlie Simpson, has for forty years plied his trade at most of the nation's most important newspapers. 

Times have changes, the world of newspapers has changed.  He now finds himself a stinger on a small town weekly in rural northeast Oregon.

There's a message waiting him for one mid-week morning as he sits down at his desk - call his editor.

He has an assignment, now what he's expecting, like a little league game or birth of Bonnie Burn's second set of twins.  No, there's a new lady in town, a painter, an artist.  He schedules an interview with her.  Charlie knows next to nothing about art, so it seems a stretch for him to be covering this story or, he wonders, is there really a story there?

Indeed, there is.  Or at any rate he thinks there may be one hellava story. In fact, this may turn out to be the scoop of his professional life. 

Something to be said for high drama in the boondocks. 

And Charlie is in hot pursuit.

Detailed Performance Date and Times: 

Friday May 12 7:30 PM
Saturday May 13 7:30 PM
Sunday May 14 2:30 PM Matinee

Friday May 19 7:30 PM
Saturday May 21 7:30 PM
Sunday May 22 2:30 PM Matinee

Friday May 26 7:30 PM
Saturday May 27 7:30 PM
Sunday May 282:30 PM Matinee

Friday June 2 12 7:30 PM
Saturday June 3 7:30 PM
Sunday June 4 2:30 PM Matinee