Wednesday, February 21st – CRA Hosted City Directors – On Point a panel of each of City department leaders providing topical updates and answering moderated questions. The department heads on our Panel include (alphabetically):
- Public Works Director - Bob Harary
- Community Planning Director - Brandon Swanson,
- Police Chief - Paul Tomasi, and
- Library and Community Activities Director - Ashlee Wright
YouTube video is HERE. Images shown below.

CRA Program Attendance and Participation
Where & Timing - This program was held at the Carmel Woman’s Club at the corner of 9th and San Carlos. Doors opened at 6:30PM to mingle and grab a glass of wine, then our program bega at 7:00PM. This was free and open to the public.
Most of these questions and project updates were asked and answered
- We all love budgets of course and we realize there are always more asks than there are dollars or time. But do you have recommendations on how we provide feedback and comments that are the most impactful?
- What can we expect on the timing for updates on possible Paid Parking Project? (not covered)
- What can we expect on the timing for updates and next steps on the proposed Street Address Project? (not covered)
- Are there facilities updates or changes in the works for our Libraries?
- Can you talk about new or revised plans for this coming year’s Car Week?
- What can we expect in the upcoming Forest Master Planning revisions?
- What can the City do to educate residents on how to protect and care for their trees?
- What can or is being done to minimize surprises or objections to ADU being built next door? What are the protections in the draft ADU ordinance?
- Our Housing Element has many projects/programs that are required over time. What items do you plan to work on next?
- The Design Guidelines, Ordinance updates and follow-on Design Standards work is still underway, what is the current progress report?
- Will the Design Review Board scope be drafted after the completion of the Design Guidelines? (not covered)
- How do the Department heads prepare for the semi-annual strategic priority sessions, and recommend new items too?
- Will the City consider floating a bond to finance the Police Station rebuild, where is this headed? (not covered)
- When will the public hear more about the Security (Flock) Camera scope, policy, program, and placement review?
