In Case You Missed Them… CRA Hosted
- Citizen Of the Year - Celebrating Dale Byrne, Sunday 10/10 - view slide show HERE
- Carmel's Climate Change Update - with Council Representatives Baron & Theis, Thursday 9/23 - view the video HERE. Our investments are our legacy!
- Feast in Forest: a Night in Spain, Saturday 9/11- view slide show HERE.
Coming Up Soon…Enjoy your life in Carmel by attending these great activities
Saturday October 23rd – 10am - 1pm Arbor Day Celebration – in Devendorf Park. This gathering begins at 10AM, with Barbara Livingston Tree Dedication at 11 AM. There will be activities, including “Touch a Truck” for family enjoyment – with a fire engine, backhoe, and dump truck to name a few; plus light picnic fare served too. This event is hosted by the Forest & Beach Commission in partnership with our Carmel-by-the-Sea Public Works and Forestry staff.
Saturday October 23rd through November 5th, don't miss the Carmel Bach Festival at Sunset Center. Details are available HERE.
Sunday October 31st – Our Village Anniversary & Halloween Parade on Ocean Avenue from 4-5 ending in Devendorf Park. CRA will be hosting a float to add to the festivities, along with other community organizations and kids of all ages. Details are available HERE.
Tuesday November 9th CRA Hosting – Will Bullas at 5PM in Carpenter Hall at Sunset Center. Details are available HERE.
Thursday November 11th - Veterans Day Remembrance, 11AM at WWI Memorial at San Carlos & Ocean
Friday December 3rd – CRA’s Annual Holiday Gala at La Playa. Save the date, our invitations are coming soon, and details will be on our webpage too.

Regular City Council – Tuesday October 5th Highlights Link to Online Agenda Link to PDF Packet Link to YouTube Video
Special Updates
State Senator, John Laird - Updates
- SB 6-19 Provided for a one-year holiday on waste diversion enforcement and funds to help support implementation. And as long as you are making good faith efforts you won’t be penalized, and $’s are being made available for funding.
- Separately extra dollars are being applied to address homeless, expand access to broadband, higher ed, and lowering Medicaid age to 50, and others
- Efforts to address funding tied to the drought is underway. And fire prevention $’s are available. These funds can apply to local jurisdictions and not just state agencies.
- SB9 and SB10 both amended substantially before passed, SB9 affordable housing items tied to ADU’s and historic preservation and require owner occupancy. SB10 addressed 8-10 unit building items.
- Plus new $’s for Garapata/Big Sur to build out new Restroom just south of the Highlands has been approved.
Chris Cook of CalAm Water – Water Supply and Drought Updates
- Today CalAm serves 100,000 people in Monterey County.
- A bit of history, in the 1880’s Crocker and others began planning for water, damming the Carmel River, and accessed water in the Seaside Basin (Aquifer Storage Reserves). Today, these two source’s extractions are significantly reduced. The newer sources also include Carmel Valley Aquifer, Sand City Desal and Pure Water Monterey
- Contingency Plans – Stage 1 prohibition on water waste, Stage 2 volunteer conservation, Stage 3 conservation rates, Stage 4 water rationing. Currently in Stage 1 with plans on staying in this stage.

Voluntary Conservation is Critical, please reduce:
- Watering of outdoor landscapes that causes incidental runoff onto adjacent property, non-irrigation of private and public walkways, roadways, parking lots or structures.
- Individuals washing privately-owned cars with a host, unless they are using positive action shut-off nozzle.
- Applying potable water directly to driveways and sidewalks.
- Using potable water in ornamental fountain or decorative water feature
- Using water to irrigate turf or ornamental landscapes during and within 48 hours after measurable rainfall.
- Serving drinking water that was not requested in eating or drinking establishments.
- Irrigating turf on public street medians or publicly owned or maintained landscaped areas between the street and sidewalk.
Clarification points offered:
Pandemic has shown shifts in patterns, first with business decreases and residential increases, now both are rising, as compelling region to live and visit during the pandemic. Climate Change – has, can and will impact assumptions on available water, and is built into the long-term models.
Council Announcements:
- J.Baron: Climate Change Committee meets next on Thurs Oct 21st – adaptation strategies update, consultant progress report on greenhouse gases, and Monterey County update on how individuals can contribute to this cause.
- B.Richards – Attended League of Cities with 18,000 others. He participated in sessions on: Climate Change, Intro Labor Relations, Coastal Cities and Short-Term Rentals (noting he was the only one not supporting STR’s in this session)
- C.Theis – She and D.Potter attended the 9/11 Remembrance and thanked Carrie Ann and others for this gathering. Also thanked everyone for their participation in the public Fire & Ambulance Workshops.
- K.Ferlito – She congratulates Dale Byrne as Citizen of the Year on Sunday, and for everything he and his organization contributes to our Village.
- D.Potter – Presented at Carmel Woman’s Club yesterday.
- C.Rerig – Report ToT income actual for July/Aug 1.84 Mil, budgeted for only 1.2 Mil. Last time any where near this number was in 2019 with .99 Mil. There is lots of pent-up demand on folks visiting our Village. Next Tuesday Oct 12th there will be a Council Retreat from 9AM-3PM broadcast live, held in Carpenter Hall. Chief Tomasi’s last day is Friday – offering our sincere thanks and appreciation, and of course sad to see him go. Item #14 has been requested for continuance by the applicant.
- D.Potter – On behalf of council, everyone will miss you Chief Paul and thank you.
- P.Tomasi – He loves this town and will be back as a visitor. He’s grateful for Chip and everyone’s support. The staff he leaves behind are all exceptional.
Open Public Comments
- Eric Tarbox – SVMBC – (Scouts) – Looking forward to moving ahead to enable the Scout House for use by the youth of this community.
- Neal Kruse – co-chair – Village Preservation Committee (with Karyl Hall) – has gathered at Farmers Market table interacting with the public and gathering signatures. Visitors say, it’s fine to me to do modern building in my home, but please don’t allow it in Carmel. Design Review Board & Design Guidelines needs to stay top priority for the City. His Committee will be presenting to the Planning Commission on examples of good and poor architectural approaches.
- Fred Bologna – CRA President – speaking on behalf of the CRA Board and our membership – presents our certificate of appreciation to Chief Paul Tomasi – reading it aloud.
- Kristie Hollenbeck - Wanted to ask Senator Laird about why he voted for SB96 on Cell Town Placement. She wanted to thank the Planning Commissions for voting down request of placement 5G tower on Carmelo and 8th.
- Jenny MacMurdo – Carmel Chamber – Phoenix Rising sculpture presented and script on thanks for years of service to Carmel for Chief Paul.
- Michael Walters – further endorses statement made by Kristie. He questioned the next steps. Request city creates ordinance to make Carmel a 5G Free Zone. And would like to know more from CalAm on forecasts tied to Climate Change.
- Beth Bowman – of Sunset Cultural Center, updated on Sept 30th reopening with COVID protocols in place. More events coming up. And Bach Festival starting. Nutcracker coming up in early December.
- Victoria Beech – 1st to Chief Paul, so sad. She requests that any decision on public space (surplus or otherwise) advances the desired look and feel of our village and that it receives separate council consideration from the specifics of item #14.
Orders of Business
#10 Approval of Hire of Interim Police Chief – Brian Uhler
Chip introduced Brian and he spoke honoring and appreciating this opportunity to smoothly bridge the time until a permanent Chief is found. Approved – 5-0.
#11 Solid Waste & Materials Recovery Ordinance Updates, SB1383 presented by Agnes Martelet (SB= State Bill)

New Requirements for Single-Family Homes:Ordinance Requirements:
- Subscribe and participate in three-container collection services
- Properly source-separate recyclables, organic material, and solid waste
What it means in practice:
- Residential properties will retain the same containers: however, food waste will now go into the yard trimming/Green Carts
- The City will begin monitoring containers
- Residents who do no place waste, food/organics, recyclable items in the correct container will be notified.
- 3 Containers in backyard/side yard
Additional requirements reviewed for Commercial Businesses, Construction and Multi Family Units, not included here, but reviewed in Council session.
Residents should consider use of any plastic container inside to hold their food waste, where needed, store it temporarily in a refrigerator or freezer, before emptying into the yard waste bins for routine pick up.
This State SB1383 will require staffing to provide oversight. Agnes is encouraged that Senator Laird indicated a 1-year extension to required enforcement as long as best efforts are applied and plans for budget relief to local jurisdictions for inspections.
Council waived the need for a second reading. Approved 5-0.
#12 Revisions to Signage Ordinance as presented by B.Swanson
- Current Sign Ordinance is out of date. Revision drafted to bring into compliance
- Potential constitutionality issue as written (requires freedom of speech)
- City cannot regulate content
- Posed issues during 2020 election
- Planning Commission recommended adoption 9/8/21
Summary of Changes:
- Streamlined administrative approval process
- Too much discretion over content
- Planning Commission becomes appeal authority
- Revision of the term “business signs”. Must allow businesses to have non-commercial messages
- Permit exemption for a set number of temporary signs in residential districts.
- One per street frontage
- No limitation during election periods
- Fixes the existing (and unintended) prohibited on political signs. 90 days before an election, 10 days after an election – all signs allowed
- Removal of all content-based sign regulations. Response to the Reed v. Town of Gilbert decision
- Adding express prohibitions for certain types of signs in all zoning districts
- Those which can be prohibited
- Flashing lights, noise making, inflatable signs, etc.
- Expanding authority for City to remove abandoned commercial signs – at the cost of the property owner.
Council discussion – clarified use of TV Monitors and profanity
First Reading Approved – 5-0
#13 – Parklets –Temporary Public Space Seating Program extension.
Item: Do we extend restaurants use of public space with fees, if yes, for how long. What of Wine Shops use of private space? To explore this as a permanent option would require some ordinance updates.
Public Comments:
Parker Logan – He is expecting a date extension, but questions the rental fees applied for the use of this public space.
Kim Stemler – Concerned about moving back to indoor only for wine shops. She asks that Carmel aligns with ABC guidance supporting private outdoor space use.
Tim Twomey – Speaking on behalf of CRA board, June’s decision on retaining parklets was tied to the end of indoor limitations +90 days for economic recovery, and possible changes in pandemic factors. With no material changes since this time; asks for vote to end the public space temporary program.
Jack Galente – Requests separation of wine shops from restaurant temporary or permanent program offerings.
Anthony Carnazzo – Offers support for Parker Logan’s position on fees. And he mentions the potential upcoming mask mandate, while reemphasizing the value of eating/drinking outdoors, noting the need for aesthetically pleasing updates. Also remember, these public space uses bring in tax revenue.
Dawn Galente – Supports Jack and Anthony’s comments.Cindy Lloyd – it is time to end the era of parklets, please vote to return our Village to the pre-pandemic state.
Ken Spilfogel – He is grateful to pay the money each month; noting 80% of his patrons are demanding to sit outside.
Tatum Tollner – Wine shops are important to maintain our hospitality business.
Jo Todd – supports Anthony Carnazzo’s position.
Council Discussion
B.Richards – He is not pro or anti parklet but is pro safety. Wrote to county health directors asking about their view – summarizing outdoor is the safest choice and lowest risk. He recommends 1 month extension and hopes that the program can end by the end of the year.
C.Theis – Health and safety is the focus. Remember that children are not yet vaccinated. Wants 60 or 90 day extension.
J.Baron – Eating outside will always be safer with or without the pandemic. We could require people to wear masks as an option. He wants this temporary program to end.
K.Ferlito – Wants to see the parklets removed. There is a great incentive if you could eat indoors safely. In NYC you must show your proof of vaccinations to go into restaurants. Why aren’t we considering this here? Are our restaurants improving their air filtration? Increasing the % of people vaccinated is, of course, the best path forward.
D.Potter – Looks forward to ending the temporary program. He was in Napa, this past weekend where masks are required inside everywhere. However, he supports another 30 days extension.
B.Richards – Driving factors for him are the considerations about the potential upcoming mask mandate and vaccinating children under 12.
K.Ferlito – We have a retail marketplace here, that needs parking spaces. We have subsidized one portion of our business over others.
Decisions requested of & made by the Council:
Should the parklet removal date of Oct 12th be extended? YES, Vote 3 to 2
If yes, how long should the extension be? 30 days
Can restaurants that removed parklets rebuild? NO
Can wine shops continue to use private outdoor space? YES
Can wine shops be allowed to rebuild parklets? NO
Follow up items on topic.D.Potter - Requested clarification on “What/how will the $40k rental fees be applied? Such as enforcement or clean sidewalks or code compliance , etc ?”
K.Ferlito – Requested clarification on what is the criteria for extensions or ending?
B.Richards – He indicates if the County implements a mask mandate, he’d recommend another extension at next month’s Council meeting.
End of City Council Meeting
Note: The City Council met for a Retreat on Tuesday Oct 12th from 9-3 to align on project, budget and staffing prioritizations. I attended in person for the initial hour, then by phone until noon. The video recording of this public session is not yet available for review of these findings.
Your comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome. |