2020 Carmel City Council Election Results
A big congratulations to Mayor Dave Potter, Council Person Bobby Richards and Council Person Karen Ferlito in their election wins. Mayoral term is 2 years and Council term is 4 years. And we extend our sincere thanks and recognition to Candidates Judy Refuerzo, Mo Massoudi and Graeme Robertson for their professional campaigns and investments in our Village and its future. For newer folks in town with this election, our City 5-Person Council now includes: Jeff Baron, Karen Ferlito, Dave Potter, Bobby Richards and Carrie Theis. Thank you all for your service and passion for the Carmel community.

Great Locally Produced Viewing Reminders, In Case You Missed Them.
- From your CRA – Stories of the Madam of Cannery Row, Flora Woods HERE (48 min)
- From KSBW – Celebrating Carmel by the Sea’s Happy Birthday brief via History HERE
- From Monterey Symphony – Celebrating Carmel’s Anniversary brief HERE
- From Carmel Foundation – Lighthouse Jazz Quartet HERE (38 min)
Have You Been Tested for COVID-19?
As reinforced in last week’s PineCone page 19a “..the county’s webpage says, The general public is now invited to register for an appointment. You do not need to be experiencing symptoms to be tested.” Free Covid-19 testing is available at Seaside High School, 220 Noche Buena St., Tuesday through Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.”
Yes, even without indicators or exposure to others who are positive, getting tested provides you sleep at night assurance and aids the Monterey County in overall Virus management and planning. For many more Covid-19 testing times, places and much more for Monterey County, click HERE.

Our Next CRA Program – Thursday November 19th at 5:PM. "Dickens in America” - a performance by Howard Burnham.
For details on this program and Zoom logon information click HERE.
CRA is welcoming local actor-writer Howard Burnham’s characterization of Charles Dickens as Dickens completes his second tour of the United States. At a dinner at Delmonico’s, the inimitable Boz recounts his life story with special emphasis on his two visits to America, the first in 1842 being something of a disaster, compensated by his second triumphant return in 1867.
Charles Dickens (1812 –1870) was an English writer who created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the era – that is widely read today. (e.g. Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations…to name a few)
And Save the Date - For our last 2020 program that will be held Wednesday Dec 9th were our City Council’s Jeff Barron and Carrie Theis will update us all on Carmel’s Climate Change Initiative.
As always, these sessions login information is available on www.carmelresidents.org home page and they will be recorded and posted on the CRA’s YouTube Page.
City Council Nov 3rd Highlights Full Agenda & Video HERE 4:30 to 6:15 PM
Council Announcements
Happy Birthday Dave Potter, Thank you Candidates for their professional issue-oriented campaigns, MuttMitt project update, reinforcements for our outstanding Carmel’s Farmers Market and the next Climate Change Committee Meeting is Nov 19th 3:30 – with a presentation on the 1982-83 storms that severely impacted Carmel Beach Seawalls.
Order of Business Items
#1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 received unanimous approval without needed live discussion.
#5 Approving discount to Golden Bough Theater remodel permit fees of the total $ 46,000 estimate – staff recommended waiving $13,000 of these fees. This phase of construction is internal to the structure for lobby, ADA compliance, Sound containment, etc. S.Moore, founder of PacRep and others spoke reinforcing community benefit as reinforcement for a deeper waiver request. Councilperson B.Richards proposed to discount of fees to a total of $19,500 in appreciation of their contribution to the community. Other council persons supported original staff recommendation – due in large part to the unknown economic road ahead for the city. $13,000 waiver approved by council vote of 4 – 1.

#7 Authorizing a Shirley Meneice plaque at the Library honoring Carmel Garden Club member. Ashlee Wright presented on the requested 7x6” plaque to honor of Shirley to be placed on a bolder in front of main library. Her background includes many years of national & regional contributions and of course locally for her work with organization and the multiple gardens throughout Carmel of Piccadilly, North Dunes, and Harrison Memorial Library. Approved by unanimous vote.
#8 Carmel Hospitality Improvement District (CHID) - Public Presentation - the current 1% fee is set to expire early 2021 – presented by Amy Herzog : Fundamental to this fee change (to 2% and up to 3% over time) for hotel & inn guests are the marketing investments to better assure Carmel is a visible destination and retain market share (competitive with locations including Napa/Sonoma, Pismo Beach, Tahoe, Santa Barbara, San Louis Obispo … for the drive market). The CHID board is unanimous in its support of this increased fee and extension for 10 years. All decisions were made in advance of COVID impacts, reinforcing this as a strategic move. Occupancy is flat at best and is severely impacted by no international visitors, which could extend up to 2 years. Three additional Inn/Hotel leaders also spoke in supported of this action. The December City Council Meeting is when the approval will be voted.
#9 City Administrator, Chip Rerig, At-Will Employment Agreement Extension: Council Person J. Reimers summarized 360-degree review process, presented service/review findings and recommendations to extend 2 years – without reservation. Chip extends his thanks, appreciation and shares the accomplishments with staff and the overall collaboration throughout the village. All council members complimented this professional repeatable review approach & report, in addition to Chip’s “excellent fit” for this role and our Village. In closing, Mayor Potter offers in jest, “Chip don’t screw up”. Approved unanimously.

#10 Accepting tree mitigation & donation from L.Overett; and to OK amendment to 20/21 Budget for the North Dunes Habitat Restoration Project. City Planning - Bob Harary presenting:

#10 Council Comments – B.Richards thanked Laura Overett for her generous donation. J.Reimers made the motion to approve with refinements. J.Barron looks to understand how these refinements align to existing approved North Dunes Restoration master plan. C.Theis added comments including: a previous council approved removal of 10 trees, this proposal is working to restore the dunes, not the forest and is supporting the motion. Approved with 4 to 1 vote.
Future Agenda Item – J. Barron requested future consideration of the public suggestion of a trial periodic closing Scenic for public use for future agenda.
Jan Reimers last city council meeting – closing comments & appreciation – Jan offer her thanks to many public and private associates for all their support, especially recognizing those who support the North Dunes initiatives. She offers added thanks to former and current council and city staff for an “interesting 4.5 years”. C.Theis – appreciates her commitment to the Village, we always know where she stood, her boldness and follow through. J.Baron – offer his thank you and enjoyed collaboration on council; wishing you well. B.Richards – 4 years ago “we came in together, but hopefully we aren’t going out together” and gave his overall thanks. C.Rerig – you are a gentle lady, well prepared and wonderful addition to the city team and her efforts were valuable. D.Potter – thank you for welcoming him to the team 2 years ago, and closes with a story – someone once said difference between men and women are if there is a pie, men look to cut it up into more pieces, when women look to make more pie, Jan looks to make more pie indeed, and reinforces other comments made by fellow council. Thank you for your service, Jan Reimers
End of City Council 6:20 PM
Now, For More on What’s Happening In Our Town...
Enjoy the “Taste of Carmel”: it is happening all November. How it Works: A month long initiative where participating restaurants, wine tasting rooms, cafes, markets or food specialty stores have created a special offer for passport holders to be enjoyed anytime in November. For more information click - HERE
Help Make Carmel by the Sea Farmers Market Thrive! If you have not made it to Carmel’s Farmers Market recently, it is well worth the outing regularly. Please do check out the great providers, plus a bit of music entertainment too. Flowers, Orchids, Herbs, Mushrooms, Vegetable, Fruits, Baked Good, Honey, Humas, Beverages, Eggs, Fish and much more. Everyone is honoring mask and safety requirements. Mark your calendars – it is every Thursday from 10 am to 2pm, located in 6th and Mission blocks in front of Carmel Children’s Library/in back of and beside Devendorf Park (Note: Thanksgiving and Christmas Weeks it will be closed)

Make Carmel History – During Covid19 with your Photos The Carmel Heritage Society is seeking submissions for a new exhibit “Resilience: Carmel During Covid” that will open in the First Murphy House in the spring. The exhibit will feature photos of the daily life of Carmel residents as we learn how to live during a pandemic. Support for the exhibit is provided by the Arts Council of Monterey County and the City of Carmel. Amateur and professional photographers are welcome to submit entries that capture people, places, and things that illustrate the local story of the year 2020. For example: images of individuals, families, hotels and inns, restaurants, care givers, teachers, clergy, essential workers, and other views of our community working together to keep each other safe. Current images will be juxtaposed with archival photos from the society’s collection of the 1918 pandemic, furthering the theme of our permanent exhibit: “Then/Now: Carmel.” Submit your jpeg photo for consideration to [email protected] . The deadline is December 12. For more information please contact the society at 831-624-4447 or email: [email protected].
Major Carmel Construction Projects Presented by Esperanza Carmel LLC
On Nov 2nd, the Esperanza Carmel team presented to attendees as a critical step in their project planning. Looking for early feedback from citizens and city leadership will contribute to keeping this 3 year project on track and in alignment with the critical requirements of maintaining our Village character. These projects bring mixed use, long term lease business and residential properties to both ends of Carmel’s Delores Avenue commercial areas. First floors for commerce and second floors for residential use. This pre-planning embraces current civic building requirements & guidelines with look & feel in alignment with existing Carmel common Mediterranean and Spanish style architecture. Esperanza Carmel, as these projects are in the works, will shortly be opening a business office next to L’Auberge on Monte Verde. You can reach out directly to [email protected] or www.esperanzacarmel.com for more information on the organization.

Below are a few more images and information on the Ulrika Project – that are similar to the smaller J.B. Pastor Project. The Ulrika Plaza Project includes:
- Underground: 27 underground parking spaces consisting of 12 residential, and 15 public use, 7 electric car charging stations, Private gym for tenants only, Public restrooms for customers of the retail businesses
- Apartments: 12 new apartments ranging from 714 sq ft to 1750 sq ft: 1 Three Bedroom, 6 Two Bedroom and 5 One Bedroom Units.
- Retail: open to residents and visitors with 17 retail units, with treescape courtyards and seating
Large format image binders of these two projects were provided to attendees to these Nov 2nd presentations.

View from corner of Delores & 5th SW Corner

View from Delores, mid block looking towards 5th, to the left of this image would be the Carmel Art Association

Bottom edge is Delores, this is the proposed Retail Layout
And as always please - wear masks, wash hands and social distance. Thanks for setting a great example!
Visit www.carmelresidents.org and our FaceBook Page for the latest in Carmel’s comings & going. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.