Celebrating - Barbara Livingston - City Proclamation

August 4th 2020 City of Carmel-By-The-Sea - City Council Proclamation A Proclamation of the City Council of the City of Carmel-By-The-Sea Recognizing Barbara Livingston for her dedication to Carmel-By-The-Sea
WHEREAS, Barbara Livingston has served the residents and City of Carmel-By-The-Sea for over fifty years with passion and integrity; and WHEREAS, Barbara served three terms on the City Council for a total tenure of 12 years, was founding President of Friends of Carmel Forest, promoted community cultural attractions at the Sunset Center, represented the city at Tor House, sat on the Board of Directors of Carmel Preservation Foundation and the Carl Cherry Foundation; and WHEREAS, Barbara led the Carmel Residents Association Board of Directors for ten years, and in that capacity propelled the CRA into the major non-profit resident advocacy organization for the Village; and WHEREAS, Barbara has forcefully, consistently, compassionately and successfully promoted the imperative need to preserve the unique character of Carmel-by-the-Sea; and WHEREAS, Barbara continues to be a vocal advocate for Carmel’s urbanized forest and preserved beach; and WHEREAS, Barbara created the most apt description of Carmel-by-the-Sea as “a Village in a Forest by the Sea.” NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED THAT I, Dave Potter, Mayor of the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea, on behalf of the City Council and the citizens of Carmel hereby recognize Barbara Livingston for her tireless dedication to the Village, and fully extend the City Council’s admiration and appreciation for her efforts.
City Council July 7th Meeting Results
To view the 4+ hour Meeting Agenda and Video click here.
Agenda topics include: MBCP Annual Update, State of Carmel Forrest, Cancel 2H 2020 City Events, Masks & Outdoor Space Ordinances, Outdoor Dining Guidance Update.
Monterey Bay Community Power Annual Community Update
MBPC is becoming Central Coast Community Energy www.3cenergy.org effective September 4th, 2020. Now Representing the expanded 4 counties (also including San Louis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties) and 28 Cities, with few exceptions. Now with 32 employees, including local to Monterey area. MBPC has invested and shared results of their work through Covid19 electricity bill reductions this spring and by offering municipalities programs for other investments and cost reductions. View selected slides here or view the presentation recording for details.

Council Initiated Follow-up Points: Carmel is also an early requester for access to funds for electric vehicles and for Uninterruptible Power Backups for emergency civic needs with a power outage. The National Air Resources Board has a stated Green House Gas Emissions Decrease goal to achieve a 40% by 2030 and 80% by 2040. However, MBCP goals are to achieve 100% clean & renewable energy by 2030, where the California State 100% goal is 15 years later by 2045.
Public and Council Announcements
CRA President: Fred Bologna – Offer thanks for yesterday’s City Council Proclamation for Barbara Livingston. Other Council Members offer thanks for ongoing citizen input & expressed more appreciation for Barbara's voice and contributions over the years.
Citizen: Neil Cruse – Carmel Restaurant Improvement District (CRID) comment. The smaller restaurants are the “kitchens for locals” that do not need marketing. CRID benefits bigger restaurants with broader advertising. Is there a way to tweak CRID – to support small family owned business without the burden of the fees. For more info on Carmel Chamber of Commerce CRID program, click here.
C.Rerig - Thanks Carmel Police and volunteers from CERT & VIPS team on Carmel Beach Patrol this past weekend. He also mentions that the September council meeting will include updates on: Check Resister, Refinancing Sunset Center Bond, Q1 Financial Review and Ambulance operations and service funding.
J. Reimers - Mutt Mitts funding program (Dog poop bags) – goal is to remove this cost burden from the city. She has pledges for near 8K commitments now. When $’s arrives, they will be announced. Example: Carmel Gives will fund 2 dispensers. The branded sponsorship for 1 year for 1 dispenser is $750 for one dispenser, or $200 for 1/4th dispenser. Visit this city website page for details.

J.Baron – notes next Climate Task force online meeting set for 4:PM Thursday Aug 20th To be posted on the City Meetings Page here
J. Baron – Discussion on recent Police reports - specifically 20 illegal beach fires in past month. Chief Paul offered that this compares to last year 38 in same period. He believes that signage is helping. There are no post budget-cut funds to hire security officers. And, Yes, per city Attorney, the city staff has the authority to issue citations. (NOTE: later – clarified that contractors or folks not on city staff are not authorized to issue citations – they can only notify city officials of violations observed for follow-up.)
State of the Forest & Vision for the Future – Sara Davis, Forester
New online tools for tracking Carmel trees carmelca.treekeepersoftware.com, that is publicly accessible. This includes at GIS (position/location) of tree survey data gathered in 2019 – for a total of 2456 trees, species, work orders, history, age/maturity of our Carmel forest plus. Our forest is heavily populated with Oaks and Pines. We must be cautious and diversify – to prevent possible disease destruction threats and support climate change impacts.
- This new system also provides graphic views and comparisons with other geographic areas. Example our Carmel-by-the-Sea UTC (Urban Tree Canopy) is leading nationally at 56% tree coverage. Comparing with Seattle at 23%, State of California at 39%, Los Angeles at 21% and Sacramento at 15%.
- This system also provides graphic views and comparisons with other geographic areas. Example our UTC (Urban Tree Canopy) is near the top nationally at 56% tree coverage. Comparing with Seattle at 23%, State of California at 39%, Los Angeles at 21% and Sacramento at 15%.
Our Carmel “Village in the Forest” provides us
- Absorption of 28,000 pounds of air pollution per year - Management of 120,00 bathtubs worth of storm water
UTC versus Density – an overly high density can harm the health of existing trees, as each tree has light, space, water, and other resource needs to thrive. There is a recommended tree population per lot, but in isolation this does not account for trees on public right of way or neighboring lots. Crowding can trigger distorted tree growth.
Construction concerns for tree protection is needed with newer guidelines and tools, addressing root protection, compaction, sensing, trenching and new excavation tools (e.g. air spade).
Moving Forward. Current Forest Management Plan is good but needs to be refined. Also working on increasing outreach, working with existing organizations, volunteering, Arbor Day Celebrations, and Student engagement, young tree care, etc. She suggests systematically rotating focused areas of the village for work. Her list goes on with stump removal, park plans and the illusive gofer removal from Devendorf Park.
Council Items and Response: Question on related Climate Impact. The bigger concern is storm concerns rather than temperature changes. But we should explore bringing in some new species that are more drought sensitive. Concerned on Maintenance. Should # of trees needing to be planted annually historically be revisited? New tree mix planning is critical with incorporating water and light needs. Issues on construction damage. Specifically, tree wrapping with 2x4 has nominal value and we must shift to expanding the footprint to care for root ball. Suggested considering citizen outreach for funding for stump removal. Finally, consider assigning tasks to Forest & Beach Commission – such as: A. How we protect trees, B. Species selection (Friends of Forest – local professor presented recommendations) with density factors and enforcement, C. Revising forest management plan.
Visit Carmel City Forestry web page for more and the latest information.
Cancellation of City Sponsored Events through 2020 – Ashlee Wright – APPROVED
COVID19 CDC guidance says larger events are only OK at Stage 4, but not until then. Therefore – the recommendation is for cancelling our civic events through year end 2020.
Background: Carmel Activities Commission has been meeting weekly for months for constant monitoring and considerations. Larger events require more than 6 months planning horizon – for example, the January Rose Parade is cancelled and so are others nationally. Events have not been cancelled since WWII – and this pandemic has different but nonetheless significant considerations.
Interim actions include volunteering supporting village decorations. Minorah and holiday tree lights remain in city budget and planning. Commission will pursue more online/virtual activities and promotion. Private event permits are also not being issued – even for the beach – given “recreate not congregate” guidance. Monterey County gathering guidelines (e.g. weddings) are extremely strict.
Visit the Carmel City Calendar page here. Visit the Carmel Activities page here.
In Lieu Parking Fees for off-street parking requirements – Deferred to November
This item bought forward by Dave Potter for consideration. These fee payments have been accumulating in a dedicated off street parking fund and need to be put to work as originally defined or following process, redirected.
MASKS Urgency Ordinance No. 2020-004 enforceable within city jurisdiction - APPROVED
- With COVID19 National, California State and Monterey County action history reviewed – this Ordinance authorizes Carmel City Police and the Code Compliance Coordinator to issue citations for violations. This ordinance is in alignment with other local city and county jurisdictions.
- Our goal is voluntary compliance for public safety and is not to issue citations.
- Infractions: $100 for first infraction, $200 for second infraction with 1 year and $500 for any subsequent infractions. Where a misdemeanor is issued: the fine is not to exceed $1000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.
Resolution 2020-052 adopting updated fees for tree related permits - APPROVED
As a follow-up to prior council agenda item – action was taken to revisit proposed public and private tree pruning, removal and any appeal fee increases. These revised increases were reviewed and approved to take effect September 3rd, 2020.

Outdoor Space Use Citation Authorization - Urgency Ordinance 2020-005 - APPROVED
This Ordinance provides for enforcement of provisions and conditions of Encroachment Permits for outdoor dining and authorization of Code Compliance Coordinator to issue citations. Comments from Citizens and Council included:
Added staff is likely for compliance tracking. And concern expressed on quantity of time consumed by staff on compliance
Formalization of citation Ordinance should provide deterrents.
Goal is compliance and not citations. If business is non-responsive, then will revoke their permit.
Outdoor Seating in the Public Way Program - Council Guidance for City Staff
Current Temporary Program
35 Outdoor Seating Areas in parking spaces
63 Parking spaces being used in this program, of which
28 Full Line Restaurants (using 56 parking spaces)
2 Specialty Restaurants (using 2 parking spaces)
5 Wine Tasting Shops (using 5 parking spaces)
Multiple Public Comments Summarized
Restaurant queue lines are blocking other businesses and creating physical storefront damage issues. A window was broken and called for Police for assistance 3 times. Sidewalk tables inhibits walking access and does not address social distancing.
Tasting Rooms today, even with private or parking outdoor space, remain severely limited and are requesting additional parking space considerations. One example sited with 1 parking space, has 8 seats, yet requests additional space for 16 seats total and pre-COVID19 had 25 indoor seats.
Council Guidance & Staff Comments
City Staff Upfront Mentions: AW Shucks permits issued with 10PM closing time limits. Pescadero/Barmel have not applied for permits. All permit holders re expected to maintain social distancing protocols (re: sidewalk tables item). The platforms approved must allow for appropriate drainage.
J. Baron – encourages Planning Commission engagement for short- and longer-term recommendations and oversight. Other Council members reinforce the flexibility and timeliness of the current oversight…but will also support Planning Commission input to current program and general considerations for longer term.
Regarding Drinking Places: All Council agreed that they must be serving food with their beverages to receive permits. They must close at 10:PM, have alignment with State Laws, servers must be from the Drinking establishment and not by their partnered food providers, menus must stipulate meals must be ordered, delivered and paid for together, or the drink is for free, plus no standing.
Compliance oversight staff is likely needed, to pass for citation considerations. And all Permits must be posted in any/all business windows for easy enforcement alignment.
Queue challenges (along with lines and spacing markers) must be addressed by each business individually with each technology (e.g. text when seating ready) and City Planning oversight/compliance.
Sidewalk tables are a big challenge for access and social distancing - requiring compliance oversight.
End of City Council 8:45 PM
CRA Carmel Beach Cleanup - August 15th Reminder
August 15th, Saturday, at 9:30 AM – Join Daniel at Del Mar Park, bottom of Ocean Avenue, bringing your gloves, sunscreen and masks. Everyone is welcome. All other materials and instructions will be provided as folks gather. For more information click here. 
Verify Your Voter Status 
November 3rd is closer than you think. Check your voter information here. Make sure your registration status, address and party are up to date to receive your ballot in time.
Become a Carmel Tree Tender
Signup to care for seedlings for future plantings in town in these days when we are all closer to home. The City grows pine and oak seedlings in little containers and transplant them to larger and larger containers as they grow. When a few feet tall, they are planted in the Village by the City or Friends of Carmel Forest. After you sign, up, you are delivered a pine or oak seedling in a 1-gallon container and a Tree Tender Guide.
Get started by sending your name, physical and mailing address, phone number and the type of tree to [email protected].
Join Monterey Jazz Festival – ONLINE
September 25 at 5 PM – September 27 at 7 PM CDT
The Monterey Jazz Festival – unable to gather great talent and visitors this September - is going online! Check this out for more information.
And please - wear your masks, wash your hands and be sure to social distance – One and All – Thanks for setting a great example & following official guidelines!
Visit www.carmelresidents.org and our FaceBook Page for the latest in Carmel’s comings & going. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.