Feb 18, 2025

Celebrating 38 Years of Community Service

This News You Can Use includes: Feb 27th Strategic Priorities Workshop, Upcoming City Council Meetings, Apply for City Boards & Commissions, Participate in Carmel Beach Survey, Join Us Mar 11th CRA Members No-Host at Bar Carmel, CRA's Citizen of the Year April 10th date set, Village Calendar through April, and a brief look back at February Hot Topics.

Thursday Feb 27th 10AM - 3PM City Council Strategic Priorities Workshop

This workshop is engaging and helps guide and prioritize where the Village resources of time and money are invested for the coming 2025/2026 Fiscal Year. Lunch will be served. This will be held in Carpenter Hall of the Sunset Center. 
Prior Workshops on Fiscal Year Budgets and Strategic Priorities session details and documents can be found on this CRA Page.  
* This Workshop Session final agenda, and Staff report with remote access will be published on the City Meetings page HERE 

Monday & Tuesday March 3rd & 4th - City Council's March Meetings

These will again be the routine Special City Council and Regular City Council Meetings.  Agendas are published on the City Meetings page HERE  and/or subscribe to these and any other topics you might be interested HERE

Apply for a City Board or Commission

If you have time and know-how to invest in our Village...please consider it. 
There are 9 seats that have terms expiring soon.

The City is accepting applications for various boards and commissions. This is a great opportunity to contribute to your community and help shape the future of our city. For more information visit the city's website here: https://ci.carmel.ca.us/post/apply-now-city-board-or-commission

How to Apply:
* Download an application HERE or pick one up at City Hall.
* Submit your application via email to [email protected]s, or drop it off/mail it to the City Clerk’s office.

Application Deadline: Friday, March 21, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.

Carmel Beach Survey - Please Participate NOW

How do you use our Carmel City Beach? Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Periodically?
Please participate in this City Survey. HERE is the link.

Tuesday March 11th 4:30-6:30 CRA Members Next No-Host  

We will gather at Bar Napoli 4:30-6:30 NE Corner of Dolores and 7th – to get a jump on Tuesday’s cocktail hour. Connect with and get to know fellow local CRA members. And for those so inclined, feel free to compare notes on the new City Council and your views on Strategic Priorities in the works. 


Our date is set April 10th 5:30-7:30 - mark your calendars

Our 28th 2025 Citizen of the Year awards ceremony will be held at the Carmel Womans Club, everyone is welcome. Join us Thursday April 10th from 5:30-7:30 PM. Our ceremony includes local & regional leaders – providing additional recognition and appreciation for our awardee, along with finger food and beverages. We also extend a special invitation to our prior awardees to be introduced and recognized once again.

We formally announce our Citizen of the Year recipient 2-3 weeks prior to April 10th – watch for this in the Carmel Pine Cone, City’s Friday Letter and our CRA website & email. We are so honored to have so many worthy nominations – making our final selection particularly challenging indeed.

More nomination background with past programs and honorees can be found HERE 

Participate and Engage! - Calendar - Now through April!

• 3/11 CRA’s Members No-Host at Bar Napoli 4:30-6:30pm – Dolores NE Corner at 7th
• 3/15 CRA’s Beach Clean Up – West End of Ocean Ave 9:30-Noon
• 3/20 Farmers Market – Third Thursday 4-7pm in Devendorf with entertainment and more
• 3/27 CRA hosts a table at Carmel’s Farmers Market 10am-2pm surrounding Devendorf Park
• 3/29 Rotary Club of Carmel-by-the-Sea’s 75th Anniversary Gala – The Quail Ballroom * register HERE.
• 4/3 Carmel Public Library Foundation (CPLF) – Media Literacy in the age of Misinformation – Carmel High Theater, 6:30pm * register HERE
• 4/10 CRA’s Citizen of the Year – 5:30-7:30pm – Carmel Womans Club
• 4/10-15 Pebble Beach Food & Wine Festival * more info HERE
• 4/12-13 Whalefest Monterey * more info HERE
• 4/17 Farmers Market – Third Thursday 4-7pm in Devendorf with entertainment and more
• 4/19 CRA’s Beach Clean Up – West End of Ocean Ave 9:30-Noon
• 4/19 Carmel Lions Host Breakfast with the Bunny
• 4/22 CPLF’s Annual Fund Raising Event – American Storyteller, a life in words with Susan Orlean * register HERE
• 4/26 Carmel’s Arbor/Earth Day 10-2 in Devendorf Park, more info HERE
• 4/27 Big Sur International Marathon, more info HERE
• 4/24 CRA hosts a table at Carmel’s Farmers Market 10am-2pm surrounding Devendorf Park

• Every Thursday – Farmers Market 10am-2pm surrounding Devendorf Park
• Every 2nd Saturday – Weedies in Mission Trail Nature Preserve 9:30-noon
• Every 2nd Saturday – Carmel’s Art Walk 4-7pm
• Every 1st & 3rd Monday - Carmel Woman's Club Programs & Tea 2-4pm


click on these images to enlarge

In Case You Missed Them 

February 6th - CRA's Wildfire Readiness Program in February

HERE is the YouTube of our Feb 6th Wildfire Readiness Q&A Program
And please visit our CRA Emergency Preparedness page for lots of helpful updated resources, prior topical meetings and videos. 

February 10th - Carmel's Police Building Project Workshop  

Chief Paul Tomasi passionately presented the history of this project with it's urgency, Council asked various questions, Public comments were received, including an alternate project layout, closing with expanded Council discussion on process, next steps and even possible funding considerations. It was also agreed to act on immediate health/safety critical needs with existing budget dollars. Finally, given this Council has 3 new members, the next step was to setup a session the week of Feb 24th to explore more detail of the scope and requirements.  HERE is the YouTube of this meeting. Past public meetings on this topic, with video's & slides are shown on this CRA page.* 

Feb 4th Regular City Council Meeting - 2 big topics


Carmel Public Library Foundation (CPLF) / City of Carmel-by-the-Sea Partnership Agreement for (internal) Restoration & Updates of our Harrison Memorial Library.  The review of this draft guided updates needed for responsibilities of stakeholders, risk mitigation and payments to vendors for architect & construction. All public and council comments fully supported this as a timely and important City priority for desired project completion by the Library's centennial celebration in early 2028 with the financial support of generous benefactors. Visit our new CRA page on this project.

License Plate Reader (Flock) Cameras - direction for March contract renewal. As approved, the City will execute a modified agreement with Flock Inc. for the continued use of Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) technology, with provisions for the new smaller number of cameras leased (primarily for main entry & exit points), and language added to the agreement that protects the privacy of Carmel-by-the-Sea residents, employees and visitors. Visit our CRA page for this & past meetings background.

We provide the latest current information and resources on our CRA Website for our Members, Residents, in our Village and beyond!  This includes our calendar, documents, publications, current info on Hot Topics, links to other Village sources and organizations and so much more. Your suggestions are always welcome!  
This and every past "News You Can Use" and the CRA Voice can be found on our Archives page HERE.

Carmel Residents Association
PO Box 13, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA 93921   501 (c)(4) Non-Profit
[email protected]     CRA Facebook Page     CRA YouTube Channel