Filling your Calendars - Something for Everyone
Thursday, January 26th CRA Hosts "Experience the Monterey Bay as Seen by early California Artists" at the Carmel Woman's Club 6:30 PM Doors Open.
This program celebrates our area's natural beauty through renowned local artists, as presented by local professor Cynthia Weick and artist/gallery owner Joaquin Turner.
Even before 1900, Carmel and the Monterey Peninsula attracted and inspired amazing and notable talent across all the creative arts (painting, photography, music, performing arts, poetry, authors and more). This program will focus on the earliest painters who've captured our natural beauty and beyond. Please join us to learn about these early days and how these amazing painters shared their art with the beauty of our part of heaven on earth with the world.
Doors Open at 6:30, Program begins at 7PM. Open to the public. Grab a glass of wine at 6:30 and mix with fellow enthusiasts. Full program details are available HERE.
Thursday, February 2nd CRA's No Host Gathering at Seventh & Dolores from 4:30-6PM.
As usual this is a Members Only opportunity to mix and mingle with fellow locals and enjoy the 7D offerings from their menu of beverages and bits of your choice on your nickel. All of our recent No-Hosts & pictures are shown HERE.
Reminder - Yes, it's the renewal time of year. Thanks to our new & renewing CRA Members - 2023 VIP cards are mailed.
Five new offers have been added to our roster of CRA Membership discounts to new and annually renewed members. Our new Thanks go to Basil Carmel, Ami Carmel, Delia Bradford Gallery, Monterey Symphony and Carmel Cares-VoiceMap. For these new and existing offers, with all of the participating businesses commitment to locals - we are grateful. Visit this page for the details and our VIP offers list.
Reminder - Citizen of the Year for 2023 - Is it you or ????
Now is the time to send in your nominations for this biannual prestigious recognition. Decisions will be made in the early days of February to prepare for our Sunday March 26th Celebration and Recognition event.
Anyone can nominate someone for this award. And nominees must: Live in Carmel-by-the-Sea or in our Sphere of Influence and can be a resident or business community member. Have enhanced the lives of citizens of Carmel-by-the-Sea.
Here are the details on nominating, our 2021 photos, past recipients and more.

Because you have nothing to do (of course not, but)… please also participate in any or all of these upcoming Civic Meetings and Workshops.

Join in the City Strategic Priority Planning Workshop – Tuesday Jan 31, 2023, in Carpenter Hall from 10AM to 4PM (Zoom option available)
This workshop is a first step for participating City Council and City Department leaders to hear directly from us and us from them – on how to best prioritize, optimize and balance the City resources of people, time, and dollars to the needs throughout our Village.
Our last look at City Strategic Priorities roster was in Sept 2022 at the City Council Sept 13 2022 - Full Agenda HERE This agenda topic staff report HERE Attachment - Tracking List of all 30 Priority Projects HERE Attachment - Top 16 Priority Projects HERE
This January 2023 cycle first look anticipates:
- Updates on last year's projects (many completed or near complete, many ongoing)
- Various new projects to consider – as recommended by Department Staff, Council, plus Boards & Commissions etc.
- Refreshed priority lists and supporting materials expected in the coming days on the City Meeting webpage
Please join in and participate as supportive community team members for the good of all who love our Village.
Carmel’s Design Traditions Steering Committee next meeting – Agenda HERE – Thursday January 26th 8:30 AM in Council Chambers (Zoom option available)
Topics include a) Landscape Ordinance directions, and b) Organization (structure) of the upcoming revision of the Design Guidelines Document
Proposed San Carlos (10th to 13th) Median Islands Workshop – Thursday January 26th 4-7 PM in Sunset Center’s Babcock Room
Most Villagers travel San Carlos to Sunset Center or in route to Crossroads & Barnyard shopping – so we all care about proposed updates to this major route in town. This item was reviewed at a Commission meeting that realized a new community meeting was needed. This session looks to collect community feedback on installing two longer median islands, four smaller islands, or no medians at all, along San Carlos between 10th -13th Avenues.
This is a request for your input too, and this is same date of our CRA Program that evening as well. Check out the City Meetings page in the days to come for specifics on this Medians Workshop.
Regular City Council Meeting – February 7th 4:30 in City Chambers with Zoom option too. The agenda is published at least 5 days in advance. If you haven’t signed up to receive city email notifications on topics of interest and various public meetings – please do so here.
Carmel’s Housing Element Workshop - February 28th, meeting details to follow.
Mark your calendars for this Workshop too. This Workshop will be led by the Ad Hoc and City Council Members Karen Ferlito & Bobby Richards with the City Planning staff. The efforts of this team are to identify how to entice and influence new affordable housing in our Village, with an update to our General Plan’s Housing Element by calendar year end. This too needs your feedback as this effort moves ahead. Workshop logistics (agenda details, time, place) will follow from the City in the weeks to come.

And finally for all of you who are avid readers and passionate about Carmel - check out “Carmel Reading” – there are many new updates to this page on our CRA Website.
This page includes more Carmel books (fiction and non-fiction), Videos, PDF’s on our amazing village, it’s people, places, architecture, nature, art, and more. If you know of items missing – please let us know!
The AT&T Pro-Am Annual Golf Tournament in Pebble Beach runs from Jan 30-Feb 5th. Our Village welcomes many golfers and golf enthusiasts throughout. For details go to
More great local events keep surfacing. So “follow” Carmel Residents Association Facebook page – where we & members post news, photos and notices of great area activities and more. And visit our CRA Calendar page too.
Your suggestions and comments are always welcome