Dateline - July 9, 2020 News You Can Use - New CRA leaders, City Council: Outdoor Use, Use of Force Policy, plus. Honoring Kocek Jeweler, July 18th Beach CleanUp, and more
Your New CRA leadership
Effective July 6th, Vice President Fred Bologna is now confirmed as the new President of the Carmel Residents Association, along with board member Daniel Cardenas as Vice President. Barbara Livingston, after serving as President of the CRA for 12 years, will continue on as an active board member.

Fred thanks Barbara in this transition with “She has taken on critical issues and enriched us all with civic and entertaining programs, building upon established social connections so important in our community and culture.”
With our congratulations and thanks - our mission and engagement continues. For more information on your full CRA board click here.
Recognition and Thanks to Kocek Jeweler
For those of you not familiar with Kocek Jeweler - they are a California corporation listed with Dunn & Bradstreet and rated by the Jewelers Board of Trade that was established in March 1973 – in business for 45 years. Mr. Kocek has earned nearly every credential possible as a Jewelry Appraiser. And Kirkor began his career in everything jewelry (design, create & manufacture) the young age of 12 in Istanbul, Turkey.
Wednesday, CRA’s President Fred Bologna was honored to present our Annual CRA Certificate of Appreciation to Kocek Jewelers – with masks of course. Stop by to congratulate the Kocek Jeweler team located San Carlos Street between Ocean and 7th Avenue. Kirkor has many way-back Carmel stories to tell and share. Congratulations!
City Council July 7th Meeting Results
To view the 3+ hour Meeting Video click here. The full Agenda and Information Packet PDF is located here. This Agenda included:
- Open Public Comments (6 items summarized below)
- New Public Use Recycle Garbage Cans
- Enriched Forester Report
- Outdoor Business Use
- Chief of Police Tomasi presents on Use of Force Policy
CRA Announcement Fred & Barbara Announced new CRA President and Barbara shifting into Board Member Role.
Carmel Youth Center John Plastini, Vice President, spoke to their efforts to reopen for a part of this summer. And they continue to look for added contributions and further community support. Please donate if you can at
Ambulance Overtime Funding - Chip Rerig & Dave Potter provided a brief update on the open Ambulance Overtime item, and recently covered in the PineCone. They are gathering more information and alternatives for funding to prepare for an update at an upcoming City Council Meeting in August or more likely September.
  Apologizes if these images are out of date
July 4th Holiday Beach Closure - Thanks expressed by all Council and City Leaders for the positive citizen support for the decision to close beach over the July 4th holiday weekend. And extra thanks were given to the staff at Public Works for putting up barricades, Police and CERT and VIPS Volunteers also assisted in helping to “do the right thing to protect residents and visitors”.
For those of you interested in years past at Carmel Beach, and as point of comparison, view this YouTube from July 4th 1976.
Mutt Mitts availability Funding underway to broaden the coverage for, beyond the Beach locations, to all the usual places about town through donations. Coordinated by Councilperson Jan Reimers.
Fort Ord Reuse Authority Board – officially sunset June 30th as planned. The many properties and projects were transitioned into many uses including recreation, facilities and more to benefit the larger community. Visit this site for more details
New Public Use Dual Garbage Containers – Approved
Council OK’d Planning Commission recommendations in image here – as pilot is shown by the steps in front of Devendorf Park.
Funding/Grants come to us through Cal Recycles – and will be update selectively throughout Village.

Forester Report Enhancement - Approved
Enhancements were requested to visually compare Private Property tree status v Public City tree status.
Outdoor Use by More Food & Beverage Carmel Businesses - Guidance Provided
Community/Business Input Highlights:
- Expressed concerned for retailer storefronts – especially when flanked by restaurants on both sides. Views are blocked, and sidewalk safety is an issue when there are queue lines. And what of cleaning reinforcements?
- Example with Pre-COVID original In-house seating of 90, decreases to with social distancing to 64 seats and decreases again to outdoor only use to 16 seats. With this decrease in business – they will struggle to survive.
- Specialty Restaurants with 14 seats…should not have more outside seating than they have inside.
- Coffee Shops are important dining segment – especially bringing life to the Village early in the day. Parking spots can be used for pickup in non-use time. Many are open 13.5 hours each day. They need parking and seating. Creates energy in early am. And place to regroup with beverage only.
- Kim Stemler Monterey County – Vintners and Growers – spoke on behalf of Wine Tasting Rooms. 12 have access to private space and 5 do not have access to private space. On behalf of this group, all Tasting Rooms must be OK'd for outdoor use, and the select 5 tasting rooms must also have public space access - to survive. Note: assuming vineyards/winery locations are available to address this business need is not correct.
- If hotels are open, restaurants are very constrained, and we closed wine tasting rooms – visitors won’t have anything to do. It makes no sense not to allow outdoor space for Wine Tasting when it is OK to serve wine in outdoor restaurants in public space.
- A.W. Shucks – is a restaurant/bar combo. Must have outdoor space allowed – to survive. 60% plus of A.W. Shucks of tabs are for food. Multiple speakers supported their Outdoor program participation.
City Council Decisions & Guidance:
General – Today’s model is under temporary emergency powers approved by Chip Rerig (currently issuing permits until Dec 31 2020) and is subject to change and revoking for non-compliance. Chip has 3 strikes model that would revoke permits when necessary. Chip also reinforced special history of Bars in Carmel. This Public Use Program remains an experimental model and evolving execution.
These are incredibly unique & trying times. This Council would not normally be having this discussion. And we all benefit from having these businesses survive within guidelines. For the July 8th State Order Issued for Monterey County Selected Businesses - Must Move Activities Outdoors or Close, click here
- Propane Tanks & Umbrellas – Must be bought inside at night - All agreed.
- Specialty Food & Beverage Shops – Must use private space first then public space as per permitting process on a case by case basis. Only 1 parking space is approved and no more seats outside is possible than is inside their business in normal times.
- Wine Tasting Rooms – OK’d use of private space as available (e.g. courtyards) for approximately 12 shops – following City permit process and any County and ABC guidelines. OK’d use of outdoor parking space for the 5 Wine Shops without private space access when it does not shift to be in front of other businesses and following any City permitting, County and ABC guidelines. OK’d both as trial or experiment - until indoor tasting is allowed once again – on a case by case basis.
- A.W.Shucks – as an exception. Their city permit is as a bar. Restaurants close at 10PM, Bars close at a later hour. This was OK’d but would restrict hours of outdoor operation limit to 10PM, and must follow standard permitting and County, ABC guidelines.
- Program Oversight – We need to be ready to have COVID constraints impacting this topic for 1 year. Councilperson Barron looks to have planning commission engaged in this program and approvals over time. Direction given is to have Planning team engage in early 2021. Until that time - to remain flexible to the needs and impact of changes – the emergency authority will continue to refine requirements as/when necessary.
Official processes and details are available from Carmel City Planning Department
Paul Tomasi – Chief Carmel Police Department - On Use of Force Policy and the “8Can’tWait” Campaign
Elevated as a critical topic from the recent murder of George Floyd and resulting public protest, the following report became critical to share more broadly. Visit this page for CPD all policies. Specifically, section 300 of the Use of Force policy begins on page 45 of this PDF

Use of Force points are detailed in the policy documents and in this “8Can’tWait” model:
De-escalation – fair and unbiased, Monterey County was the first in California are require this 40 hours of training.
Ban Chokeholds – not trained on and will not do
Duty to Intervene - secondary officer to interrupt undue force
Shooting at Moving vehicles – not trained on and will not do
Limits Types of Force – will follow guidelines
Exhaust all other reasonable means before deadly force
Verbal warning requirement - “shall”, not could or should
Reporting Use of Force – must be followed and is followed
Other Topic Mentions
- “We work hard to hire the finest. We treat people with respect and hold ourselves accountable.”
- Yes, the arrest at the beach last weekend was reported under use of force policy.
- Carmel Police Department does approximately 150 arrests per year, that all reflect some degree of use of force and are reported accordingly.
- Thanks expressed for CPD's customer service approach in preference to a gotcha focus.
View Chief Paul’s Video Message from 1 month ago (Note: this is a Facebook link)
In Closing This Council Meeting: Dave Potter & Jan Reimers spoke to recognize Joe Gunther, who has recently passed, with recognition and acclaim of his committed citizenship throughout his career in Salinas Police and as Mayor. Joe was always outspoken, respectful and trustworthy. His passing was a great loss to Salinas and Monterey County overall.
End of City Council Updates
CRA Carmel Beach Cleanup - July 18 Reminder
July 18th Saturday 9:30 AM – Join Daniel at Del Mar Park, bottom of Ocean Avenue, bringing your gloves, sunscreen and masks. Everyone is welcome. All other materials and instructions will be provided as folks gather. For more information click here.

Visit Thursdays’ Farmers Market in Carmel by the Sea
Thursdays - from 10 AM to 2 PM In Carmel by the Sea - behind & beside Devendorf Park on Sixth Avenue between Junipero and Mission Streets. Be sure to wear masks!
Your Carmel Library Services Continue Click here for more information
Curbside pickup is here! You can now put books, DVDs, audiobooks and kids' materials on hold, and pick them up curbside starting this Thursday, July 9.Here's how it works:
- Put library materials on hold by logging in to our catalog (link in bio) or calling 831-624-4629, Tues-Sat 9am-6pm
- We'll let you know when your holds are ready by phone or email
- Pick up your items at the corner of 6th & Lincoln on Thursdays and Saturdays, 10am-2pm

Missing our Summer & Fall Activities & Events …but we march on!
- Monterey Bay Aquarium delays their planned controlled opening – due to County guidance. Continue to watch for their ongoing virtual offerings. Click here for the latest.
- Sunset Center hosted events are cancelled through year end: Bach Festival, Monterey Symphony–fall program and Holiday Nutcracker. We do enjoy and look forward to their virtual engagements. And, thanks again for the Movie Nights last month.
- Pacific Repertory Theater – cancels their performance calendar through end of year.
- Concourse/Car Week – was to celebrate their 70th Anniversary this year, now to be held in 2021.
- Carmel City Led Events cancelled through year end – Sandcastle Contest, Labor Day, City Annual Birthday Parade, Homecrafters Marketplace and others. Always check here for the latest information.
Enjoy the City of Monterey's 250th Anniversary Virtually
Their Anniversary Celebration continues online - CRA values our neighbor’s history, heritage, culture and more. Check out this YouTube Video. And visit this special Monterey Anniversary Web Site for more.
Fun Fact: Monterey is where the California Constitution was written, with advanced women's rights.
Check Out Carmel Jewish Film Festival Online Highly Acclaimed Documentary of Carmel local - Amos Nachoum
PICTURE OF HIS LIFE tells the personal backstory behind Nachoum’s long-standing obsession with the polar bear. It follows Amos Nachoum’s quest to become the first still photographer to photograph the world’s largest land carnivore, while swimming with one in open water, without any protection.
Visit their web site and act now to purchase your online Viewing Tickets, Good until July 12th. Click Here to preview the Trailer.
And please - wear masks, wash hands and social distance – One and All – Thanks for setting a great example & following official guidelines!
Visit and our FaceBook Page for the latest in Carmel’s comings & going. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.