News You Can Use - May 12 2021


Yes, this issue of News You Can Use is a bit late, apologies.  As you should be aware, City Council held two meetings last week.  You will see a summary of the key items here.  Plus we've provided a link to a PDF of the expanded writeup we've prepared from both meetings including, links to documents & videos, public comments, council comments, expanded visuals and decisions & guidance provided by Council. 


Join Us This Saturday May 15th for CRA Beach Clean Up

We start the day at 9AM going through Noon at the bottom of Ocean Avenue. For more details, please visit this page.  And our huge thanks to the folks (of all ages) who joined us last month!

Take the Permanent Outdoor Seating Survey

If you haven't already, please invest a few minutes to complete this important survey, as prepared by our City Staff in collaboration with our businesses and residents.  Click on "Take the Survey" link below, that will be available through the month of May.

Take the Survey

The current temporary public-space Outdoor Seating Program is anticipated to end in the coming months, as the pandemic restrictions ease. This survey results will be shared publicly later in June/July, as one very critical part of the considerations for a permanent public-space Outdoor Seating Program for our Village businesses.   Remember multiple (30+) businesses in our Village have private outdoor space seating for their patrons. 

Background information was prepared by City Staff to fill in more context  to more fully understand the history and considerations as this new option is considered in the planning.  (Source link for report)

Upcoming City Meeting Reminders - your input is critical & appreciated

  • Today, May 12th City Council All Day Offsite - Agenda Link (and visit the City YouTube Channel here for the recording in the day(s) to come) 
  • Tuesday, May 18th, Special Budget Workshop - Visit the City Meetings page for the details can view the recordings of these public meetings on the City's YouTube page at

Findings of Key Topics from City Council Meetings – May 3 & 4

Following these highlights see the expanded content from these meetings with some presentation slides, video links, public input (check to see if you are listed) and council member views with their resulting guidance or approvals, as a PDF.   

     Monday May 3rd   Link to full Special Council Agenda HERE

  • Request for approval for Street Closures to support Concours on the Avenue in August. With strong public support for the business and visibility this event provides to our Village – Council moved decision on this item to June Council requesting best available safety plans be provided.

  • Guidance requested from progress report on Paid Parking Program for Carmel. Council supports core downtown area to be in scope of initial program and in parallel recommends getting the Del Mar lot for paid parking in front of the Coastal Commission ASAP.

  • Seeking approval for Sunset Center Rooftop Lease Agreement with Verizon. Strong concerns were expressed on the processes and transparency on this item.  Based in part on the FCC with no current proof of negative health impacts and this lease approval does not pre-determine historical & planning commission permit approval yet to come – Council approved. 

     Tuesday May 4th   Link to full Standard Council Agenda HERE

  • Authorize City Administrator to restore voluntary compensation reductions in fiscal year 2020/2021. Approved unanimously by Council.

  • Council Discretionary Grant Program Submissions & Recommendations for local non-profit organizations ($20K in total) – Approved by Council.

  • Receive Updated Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Recommended Budget Proposal of $25 Million for planned income and operational and capital expenditures. Multiple items discussed in preparation for the Budget Workshop meeting May 18th.  Additional appreciation for efforts of City Management for the efforts to prepare this report. Please SEE the Village Budget Book as PDF HERE 

  • Program Update and guidance requested on ending/extending the Temporary Outdoor Seating in Public Space.  Distinctions provided between the current temporary and a future permanent program.  Note: Survey reinforced above is tied to the future permanent program only.  Significant public comments received, many in support of equal end dates for restaurants and wine tasting rooms. Guidance from Council includes:
  • Wine Tasting – this temporary program end date will be determined by the regulatory organizations (e.g., ABC – Alcohol Beverage Control) and not by our City Council.
  • Restaurants – this temporary program end date will be 90 days after when pre-COVID style 100% indoor capacity is allowed by County & State (without restrictions – e.g., such as distancing). 
  • Plus, Council expressed preference for a) ending sidewalk seating immediately to regain full sidewalk access (we do not have the wide sidewalks of NYC); b) recommended a final Temporary Program end date of equal to or less than end of December 2021.

Click HERE for our PDF of the EXPANDED WRITEUP (24 pages,oh my!) of these two City Council Meetings. 

Please stay healthy and safe.   Your suggestions and comments are always welcome.

Carmel Residents Association
PO Box 13, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA 93921
[email protected]  CRA Facebook Page