Tuesday March 26th - Special City Council 4:30 in City Hall
HERE is the Agenda and related reports for this special meeting covering two topics: a) receiving the Phase 1 report on the Coastal Engineering Study for our Carmel City Beach including Sea Level Rise Vulnerabilites b) second reading of the FY 2024/2025 Capital Improvement Programs. This includes updates and needs for Parks, Buildings, Vehicles, Roads, Drainage, etc.
Thursday March 28th - City Council Special Priorities Workshop
HERE is the Staff report with attachments for this special review of the recent priorities: completed, work-in-progress and new. This workshop runs from 10AM to 2PM in the Carpenter Hall of Sunset Center - and is a great opportunity to provide public input, suggest changes and hear comments from Council on these 29 listed items.

14 projects are designated as “Top Priority” 15 projects are “normal” priority level 6 projects are “New” (added in August) 12 priorities are over 50% complete
Not unlike most municipalities, our Village is challenged with a roster of projects that exceed the available Time, Staff or Dollars to complete them all. Prioritization is key. Please pre-read this staff report and attend to provide your thoughts for Council consideration.
Tuesday April 2nd - Regular City Council 4:30 PM City Hall Council Chambers
This meeting agenda is published 5-7 days prior. Check on the City Meetings page as the day nears. ...too much fun!
Housing Element Work Continues
After our updated Housing Element received public comments at the March City Council Meeting, a new version was sent to Sacramento HCD on March 8th. Ideally the City will receive final certification within 30 days, then comes City Council sign off shorly thereafter. Visit our CRA Housing webpage for details and background.

Note: assuming receipt of the anticipated State certification, there is significant work ahead on the many Housing Element programs needing ongoing community review and feedback.
Wednesday April 24 - CRA Hosts A Conversation with Mary Adams - our Monterey County District 5 Supervisor. On April 24th at 6:30 doors open at the Carmel Woman’s Club, as Mary offers her 8 years of insights on the workings on the Monterey County dais and beyond. In an interactive question format, we will cover topics including Mary’s experience and roles in County and Regional area committees and boards – covering AMBAG, Energy, Water, Transportation and more. Details are available HERE.

Saturday April 27th - CRA's Community Rummage Sale in the south lot of the Sunset Center. Mark your calendars to donate carefully used items Wednesday - Friday before, and shop till you drop on Saturday. For details on donating items and volunteering - visit this page.

Just Some Happenings in March
Mar 11 - CRA Members gathered at "The Annex" (behind 7th& Dolores). We casually connected, munched and imbibed - with many of our newest members joining us! Our past No-Host gathering details can be found HERE.

Mar 21 - City "Third Thursday's" 4PM-7PM Third Thursday's from March through October, the City Activities, Sunset Center and Carmel Farmers Market teams host this evening to enjoy beverages & food, live music, kid activities, and a select group of Farmers Market Vendors. (a video from this past weeks Third Thursday is on our Facebook page here)
Mar 23 - SPCA Monterey County sponsored a gathering with Jane Goodall on our Carmel City Beach with 4 legged friends and their humans. The rains stopped just in time for some great socializing for one and all. (individual photos available on our Facebook page here)
