Email Update - June 17, 2020 News You Can Use - Village Outdoor Dining, City Budget, Saturday Beach Cleanup, plus
For those who have missed the Special City Council Meeting June 16, view the 3+ hour video recordings here. Or, quickly scan through these highlights – with final details coming from our civic leadership. With COVID-19 not yet behind us, cautions in the planning, decisions and actions will continue as an evolving new normal.
Village Outdoor Dining Update
With over 20 call-in and more pre-meeting submitted concerns and input from an ad hoc cross-functional committee – Outdoor Dining, with refinements, are generally welcomed by most everyone. With these inputs and live Council debate (without full agreement on all items) City Administrator Chip Rerig summarized key refinements to be rolled out in the coming weeks to participating and pre-approved Full-Service Restaurants. Businesses such as Specialty foods, non-full-service, and wine tasting shops are not shown here but may be considered over time. Carmel Village Outdoor Dining is a Temporary COVID-19 Emergency Program with end date December 31, 2020 and is subject to change. Some of the program adjustments and reinforcements covered included:
- Requires current status on Restaurant Investment District (RID) fees, taxes, & liability coverage
- Stronger Appearance Compliance – e.g. raised planters 3.5ft &100lbs; do not exceed parking space lines; no more than 8 seats per parking space; no electric cords across sidewalks, etc.
- With special COVID-19 Alcohol Beverage Control approvals – Alcohol to be allowed, but NO plastic/paper service cups
- Tablecloths, Umbrellas and Propane Heating Units, if used, must be inside at night
- Cleanliness of outdoor spaces are responsibility of restaurant comparable to indoor levels and reinforce No Smoking at/near outdoor table areas
- Compliance Coordinators will police alignment with or timely movement to these guidelines
Note: Full official details, guidelines and processes are provided only by city officials.
City Budget for Fiscal 2020/2021 – COVID-19 Estimated Impacts
The advanced budget info packet is available here – that was approved by the council in 3 voting cycles at the close of this Special Council Session. As covered in prior city updates and publications, our City Council and City Departments have red-lined most capital and project spending due to estimated decreases in revenue. The department leaders have done yeomen’s work to retain staff and minimize layoffs – with an initial estimate of 17 reductions to now only 6 FTE’s impacted. These cuts retain services that will not risk public safety while keeping core lights-on functions.
First 2020 CRA Carmel Beach Lovers Monthly Cleanup
This Saturday 9:30 AM – Meet Daniel at Del Mar Park – bottom of Ocean Avenue, bringing your gloves, sunscreen and masks. Everyone is welcome. All other materials and instructions will be provided as folks gather. For more information – click here.
Did you grab one of the tickets to the, now sold out, Sunset Center, Fresh Air Film Series?
Check out the new LED screen in the north parking lot, with multiple sponsors support. For more information – click here. With many new and traditional events postponed due to COVID-19 the Sunset Center team continues to offer creative approaches for our enjoyment through the performing arts!
Watch for Banners on Ocean Ave encouraging everyone to Wear Masks & Social Distance that your CRA helped to sponsor. We all must all continue to honor and respect each other’s space and safety in these challenging times
Be sure to visit our CRA Web Site for easy access and engagement with and to City Meetings, Calendars and Resources, plus member online signup & renewals at Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.