Saturday April 27th - CRA's Community Rummage Sale
April 24-26 Mark your calendars to donate carefully used items Wednesday to Friday before the sale, then shop till you drop on Saturday.
The Annual Rummage Sale is back! This year it is being hosted by the CRA at the Sunset Center South Parking Lot - April 27 from 9AM to 5PM.
100% of the net proceeds will be distributed to our local youth programs (i.e. Sober Grad Night, CHS Scholarship, Music in the Schools, etc.). What can you do? Donate! - Gently used items wanted (please, no large furniture, electronics, or books). We will collect items 04/24-04/26 9AM to 6PM at the Sunset Center South Lot. Shop! - On Saturday, April 27 from 9AM to 5PM....spread the word! Volunteer! - We have lots of spots to fill, please sign up. And students, this is a great way to get community service hours. Sign up HERE
Reach out to JC Myers at (831)915-5323 for more information.

For more details visit this page.
Pavement Rehabilitation work will begin next Tuesday April 23rd and will mostly be completed by Wednesday May 1st, this work is as follows:
Tuesday, April 23 Striping removal (San Carlos St. from 8th Ave. to 13th Ave. – 8AM-5PM) Striping removal (Junipero St. from 4th Ave. to Ocean Ave. – 8AM-5PM)
Wednesday, April 24 Crack Sealing (San Carlos St. from 8th Ave. to 13th Ave. – 8AM-5PM) Crack Sealing (Junipero St. from 4th Ave. to Ocean Ave. – 8AM-5PM)
Wednesday, May 1 Micro-Surfacing (San Carlos St. from 8th Ave. to 13th Ave. – 8AM-5PM) Micro-Surfacing (Junipero St. from 4th Ave. to Ocean Ave. – 8AM-5PM)
Contractors will return to conduct final striping the week of May 13th through May 17th.
Traffic will remain open in both directions during construction, but access to driveways in the treatment zones will be limited, please plan accordingly. Due to the nature of the work performed accessibility during construction will be restricted, please expect delays and if possible, avoid the area. And please use extreme caution when walking or driving near construction zones.
For any questions or concerns you may contact City’s Project Manager Javier Hernandez at 831-427-7665, for afterhours concerns, please contact Monterey Peninsula Engineering at 831-284-4081.
Reminder - Our Village Housing Element was Adopted...Imperfect as it is!
Apr 12 - Our City submitted, our adopted Village Housing Element to Sacramento HCD for certification.
Apr 24 or sooner - awaiting Sacramento's HCD reply with formal certification any day now.

Visit our CRA Housing webpage for our Housing Element meeting video's, documents, press coverage and background. Be sure to review the "Did You Know" and "Living Document" links at the top of this page.
Visit our CRA Local Control webpage for more on past and coming housing legislation and the grass roots organizations pushing back on Sacramento's one-size-fits all approach. This includes informative links, videos, press and more on the bills that increase penalties and remove local control of land use and zoning. (updated many times per week) AND for those who want to learn more, I highly recommend this one link as the best single source to learn about California's (yes, absurd) RHNA/Housing legislation - HERE.
Our City's Housing Element project webpage contains more document redlines and readers guides and more at
More work to come: assuming the anticipated State certification, there is significant work ahead on the many Housing Element programs and deliverables needing your community review and feedback.
June 6th - CRA's Members Only Annual Meeting with Historic Photo's is a not to miss. Be sure to save this date! HERE is more on what you can expect. Plus nominate via email your favorite above-and-beyond local business for our annual Recognition program presented at our Annual Meeting.
Local and Area Events, Gatherings in the next 2+ weeks!
4/20 CRA's Beach Clean Up 9:30 to Noon at the Del Mar Parking Lot HERE 4/20 Carmel Celebrates Earth Day in Devendorf Park HERE 4/23 CPLF Brinkley/Eggers "Age of Everything" at Sunset Center HERE 4/24-26 CRA's Rummage Sale - Donate Items Days 10am-6pm (South Lot) HERE 4/25 CRA at Farmers Market at Farmers Market in Devendorf Park 10-2 4/27 CRA's Community Rummage Sale - Shop 8am-4pm (South Lot) HERE 4/28 Big Sur Marathon (starts and ends in Carmel) - Sunday HERE 5/1 Carmel High's leaders host a "Mock" Carmel City Council HERE 5/7 Carmel's Regular City Council Meeting HERE
There's always something to participate in and enjoy...and so it goes. New news, events, photos, and activities are posted on our Carmel Residents Assoc Facebook page HERE.
RESCHEDULED to July 10th - our CRA Hosts A Conversation with Mary Adams - our Monterey County District 5 Supervisor. (Formerly was April 24th) Program details are available HERE.
We welcome your questions, feedback and suggestions always.