Dates, Dates & More Dates - Mark Your Calendars!
Our Village is on a path to a new normal with much of what Summertime provides, including an array of activities and with full smiles and faces too!.
On June 19th - Tomorrow, Saturday 9AM to Noon - Carmel Beach Cleanup!
Please join in for the Monthly Beach Cleanup. We provide the pails. Help keep our beach the best it can be! For more info click HERE.

Plus in other locations, June 19th is also "Juneteenth" our newest national holiday. To learn more about this day click HERE. Area celebrations are set for Seaside at 1PM Laguna Regional Park and Salinas at 1PM Rodeo Grounds.
On June 20th - Sunday - DAD'S Day, All Day!
May all of our Dads, and Fathers of all kinds, be celebrated for all they do and have done for their families. Whether they have passed on, or are nearby or are across the miles - we extend our appreciation.
On June 22nd - Tuesday from 5:30-7PM at Forest Theater, a Community Wildfire Presentation
It is fire season unfortunately. Come hear how our Village is prepared to handle emergencies, including wildfires. The meeting will include a test of our Alerting system, and the fire station siren! Speakers: Fire Chief Gaudenz Panholzer, Police Chief Paul Tomasi and Public Works Director Bob Harary. (note Pine Cone published the incorrect date - the correct date is shown here)

On June 27th - Sunday from 4-6PM - You’re Invited to the Beach
CRA Members - Please join us on Sunday June 27th from 4-6 PM on our Carmel Beach at Cooke's Cove immediately to the right of the bottom of the Scenic and Thirteenth Avenue stairs. We will be a visible gathering, with a table, signage and chilled beverage for mingling with new and long-term members.

On July 4th - at Devendorf Park - Monterey County Pops Celebration!
This day begins with an open rehearsal 10AM. Then beginning at 2PM, Former Mayor of Carmel, CRA Board Member & President Emeritus of MCP, Ken White will welcome the public to the organization’s first live, in-person, 90-minute concert of 2021. For expanded agenda of this day-in-the-park click here.

Before July 15th - Make Sure Your View is Tallied!
It is critical for us to hear from our membership to guide our planning and efforts in the program year to come. Please take a few minutes to reply to and return our Membership Satisfaction survey by July 15th. (If you've already replied to this survey via postal mail, you are all set and thank you).
Click HERE to complete our Survey Online Click HERE to Download a PDF of the Membership Survey
Noteworthy Big Public Events in August & October+
Monterey Car Week - Aug 6th-15th - Click here for the latest. The 3 gatherings happening in Carmel proper includes: Concours on the Avenue - Tuesday August 10th (on Ocean Avenue) Ferrari Event - Thursday August 12th Carmel Bach Festival - Oct 23rd -Nov 5th. Click here for the latest program schedule at the Sunset Center.
The Special May/June Issue of Carmel Residents Association - The Voice - is available as a PDF here. If you didn't get your copy in postal mail, email to [email protected].
Recent City Council Items of Interest, with Notable Dates too
Temporary Public Space Use Program for Wine Tasting Shops & Restaurants
With the State of California lifting COVID19 restrictions effective June 15th, the previously City Council approved the timeline to end the temporary "parklet" program as follows: * Wine Shops must remove all public space parklets effective July 14th. * Restaurants must remove all public space parklets effective Sept 12th.
Notes: Over 30 restaurants in our Village still have various private outdoor seating options available. And our City Planning team conducted a survey on possible future permanent public space programs. The results and next steps should be made public soon.
FY 2021/2022 City Budget Approved - effective July 1st
Thanks again to the City Staff for their efforts and refinements to complete this annual budget cycle and plans to direct $'s to invest in our Village and services they provide. The proposed budget PDF link is here.
For those who want to learn more about the recent City Council Meetings, here are links to the Agenda packets and YouTube videos.
June 8th - Special City Council (Approval Final 21/22 Budget) YouTube link here Agenda Packet link here
June 1st - Regular City Council (Approval Events & Special Mail Delivery) YouTube link here Agenda Packet link here
Be sure to join the Carmel Residents Facebook Page for more timely events and updates. And we work to keep the Calendar on our events webpage current as well. Check it out here. Your comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome.