CRA Annual Holiday Gala at La Playa - Sunday December 8th! ONLY 25 spots left until we are sold out!
Yes, it's that time to plan ahead for the holidays. This year we are planning a new approach at our traditional location in the La Playa's Pacific Banquet Room and Pacific Terrace. We are hosting this Sunday at an earlier hour 4-7 PM, crossing our fingers to catch a great Carmel winter sunset. All for the low per person cost of $75 each. Thank you for those who've already registered!
Click to Register to Attend HERE To sign in, your Username is
In the Pacific Terrace will be our usual free/included white and red wines. This year we will also have a bartender on the Pacific Terrace where you can puchase well drinks if you prefer. The Pacific Banquet Room will be set up with multiple large tables, but also with more open space with standing tables to enable mixing about with more members for this early evening. This is commonly called a "Strolling Dinner", check it out.
HERE are the full event details including registration info signup assistance! The last day to register is Turkey Day or when we sell out, which ever comes first.

Join in our Village Meetings, Events & Activities - remaining in November and December
Looking Back....
Nov 13 – At the Regular Planning Commission the ADU Ordinance Draft was up for public comment and more coming! HERE Nov 16 - City plus - Carmel Prepares for winter storms etc. If you missed it a video link is expected any day now on this page
Nov 23 – Homecrafter's Market Place 9AM to 3PM in Sunset Center North Lot, plus more! (click on image for details) 
Nov 28 – Thanksgiving National Holiday
Dec 3 – City Meeting - Regular City Council 4:30PM in Council Chambers (with update on Housing Element efforts & collaboration, Public Works multi-year Report Card and more and a big thanks to outgoing Council members) Dec 6 – SPECIAL City Holiday/Tree Lighting Celebration 4-6:30PM on Ocean Avenue & Junipero  Dec 8 – CRA's Annual Membership Holiday Gala - 4-7 PM at La Playa Dec 9 – SPECIAL City Meeting - Swearing in of the NEW City Council, Monday at 4:30PM in Council Chambers - who will guide the regular Council Meetings+ in 2025!
For Families with Kids - be sure to check out the great programs at our Carmel Youth Center from now through the New Year HERE. And as usual, our community Galleries and Theaters have a great ongoing selection of performances and events not to miss at the PacRep, Sunset Center, Monterey Symphony, Cherry Center...the list goes on!
If there are items missing from this list...please reply with updates or corrections.
CRA Website Page Updates recently...worthy of note: a) Security Camera's updated with the Flock Camera Public Sessions. b) Parking updated with changes to Downtown available spaces by January c) Trees updated with the Draft Forest Master Plan Workshops on the work in proress of Forest & Beach Commission. d) ADU with a new "Guide" from the City Team and a Draft ADU Ordinance update. e) Housing with updated "Historic Context Statement".
We work hard to provide the latest current information and resources for our Members, Residents, in our Village and beyond! This includes our calendar, documents, publications, current info on Hot Topics, links to other Village sources and organizations and so much more. Your comments and corrections are always welcome!