Since our last issue of News You Can Use, much of California, and our Monterey County has been severely impacted by Fires. Many have lost homes, property was charred and others were temporarily, yet significantly disrupted by evacuations - our hearts go out to all. While we welcomed many families to our Village, Carmel-by-the-Sea was not directly affected. And as our civic leaders reinforced, it is always essential to plan and be prepared.
First responders from far and wide and citizens have gone above and beyond in their efforts to save lives, property and assist those displaced by this act of mother nature. This work will continue for some time, to rebuild and more. Our sincerest thanks and appreciation goes to all of these contributors.
For more information, these are just a few web sites for status & for donations where you can. CalFires, Monterey Fires and Monterey County Fire Relief Fund
Be Sure to Click:
See “the Voice” September/October Issue here and in your postal mail now. IMPORTANT to save these dates:
Thursday October 1st, 7-9 PM - CRA Carmel Candidates Forum Wednesday October 21st, 5-6 PM - Flora Woods, Cannery Row Madam, new date
Apply for Carmel Board & Commissions – Deadline Sept 11th
Please support to our CRA Carmel Mutt Mitt Dispenser GoFundMe Campaign
Prepare to Vote: All-In-One, Every Vote Counts – from Carmel to DC - Track your ballot and much more.

City Council Sept 1st Meeting Results
To view the 3+ hour Meeting Agenda and the Video click here.
Jacobs Heart Organization & Declaration of September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, was introduced by Mayor Potter with Lori Butterworth Executive Director of Jacobs Heart.
This organization provides services for Children with Cancer, and their families, who live on the Central Coast. They deliver comprehensive assistance allowing the families to focus on their child’s treatment and well-being. Lori thanks our community for all their contributions in these especially difficult times.

Open Non-Agenda Items
Public Fred Bologna raised the Post Office Handicap Parking Space loss and expressed thanks for the replacement location adjacent to our Post Office now on Dolores and also in the Parking Lot. City Administrator acknowledged that meeting ADA requirements in our town is challenging, for parking and other access. These remain open items for our future projects and budget planning. He assured the outdoor use permits will not eliminate existing Handicap parking.
Council Reimers: provided status on Mutt Mitt dispenser public sponsor funding approaching $15,000 from many citizens and organizations including Carmel Residents Association. Plus, mention of the CRA managed GoFundMe for Mutt Mitt donations in any amount and online.
Barron: announced the next Climate Change Task Force on Sept 17th. Separately he expressed concerns about general citizen participation declining and solicited for more active citizen engagement in these virtual meetings, emails, calls and of course when they can return to in-person exchanges.
CONSENT AGENDA - Approved all 5 operational items (only 1 of the 5 items were reviewed publicly – as shown next)
Resolution accepting a donation of $5,000 from the Friends of Mission Trail Nature Preserve for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 budget. Karen Ferlito, as Friends of Mission Trail President, spoke about the accomplishments of the volunteers and city staff in the past year. Many projects have been completed this year. Some include significant volunteer hours, $120K worth of funding (via grants and donations) for staff assistance and other costs, new signs, benches, fences, invasive tree/vegetation eradication, and maintenance.

Rules for the use of Carmel Beach, Resolution ratifying the Order and Urgency Ordinance
Extensive (1+ hr) discussions held by Council Members. On this topic, Chief Tomasi reinforced the current rules were not enforceable.
The final consensus was eating/drinking, relaxing and exercising with small groups (less than 10) is to be allowed. What remains as not allowed includes fireworks, BBQ, propane tanks, fires, tables, tents/umbrellas, and any gathering of 10 or more.
These newly revised & loosened rules will expire on October 7th unless extended at the October City Council. Visit this city web page for beach use specifics. Beach-side signage needs to reflect these use changes. Approved, with Revisions, by 5 affirmative votes
Affirm Closure of Carmel Beach on Labor Day Weekend in alignment with all beaches in Monterey County, beginning Friday morning – ending Monday evening. Approved
 images from July 4th Closure
Budget Updates - Pre-audited Fiscal Year 2019-2020 year-end status report and outlook for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget.
Leadership noted, the year-end numbers were generally better than expected, and they were achieved through the extraordinary belt tightening actions taken by department heads. The COVID-19 impacts were unknown through last fiscal year end and they continue into this new fiscal year beginning July 1st. Approved
Sunset Center Theater Refinance Outstanding Bonds - Topic Postponed to Special Public Meeting Thursday Sept 3 at 5 PM
Ambulance Operations Report with recommended COVID19 budget and model changes.
Chief Paul Tomasi - as Director of Emergency Services, gave a comprehensive presentation on the history and current state of Ambulance model, staffing, funding and response times. He also offered the directional recommendations to contributing to the fiscal budget pressures by decreasing overtime costs while maintaining equivalent levels of service. Note: the only city department not yet contributing to budget actions is our Ambulance Services.

Open Comment: Request made by your CRA Board a) was to setup a committee of staff & citizens for a deep dive & mutual understanding before any changes are finalized, b) was to assure the life-critical care for our citizens and visitors is our utmost concern with speedy Ambulance response times, c) was to leverage the insights of prior City Administrations, who fought to keep our city Ambulance Services, will be incorporated with any final recommendation.
Council Member Discussion – agreed to the committee proposal, with Bobby Richards designated as its representative. They also requested recognition of the budget constraints and that this effort is fact-based…recognizing that life critical events bring also relevant emotional considerations.
Appeal of the Denial of a Use Permit Amendment and Transient Rental License for owner of Dolores, 3 SE of 7th in the Service Commercial Zoning District. This owner and their counsel spoke and the following discussion by the council was extensive. Appeal Denied
End of City Council 7:45 PM
CRA Carmel Beach Cleanup - Sept 19th Reminder
September 19th, Saturday, at 9:30 AM – Join Daniel at Del Mar Park, bottom of Ocean Avenue, bringing your gloves, sunscreen and masks. Everyone is welcome. All other materials and instructions will be provided as folks gather. For more information click here. 
New Locals Volunteering Opportunities
Nurture an Oak or Pine Tree Seedling to a ready-to-plant in town tree. And make your weeding and pruning of the public bump-outs and medians near your home official. For more information on these community designed and delivered engagement programs of Tree Tender & Median Minder Signup Today

And please - wear masks, wash hands and social distance. Thanks for setting a great example!
Visit and our FaceBook Page for the latest in Carmel’s comings & going. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.